This website contains most of the information you need to know about 'clinic operations'
This page is where all the expansive information regarding policies and procedures at this Clinic:
This elaboration ensures transparency and informs all patients regarding this Clinic's Operations and Policy as respect to business and patient relationships.
It ensures all patients are treated as equally as possible within specific situation(s).
page index -
Part 1: the Clinic and Clinic Communication
Part 2 (a): Patient Account Information Management
Part 2 (b): Patient Management of Appointments, basic notes
Part 2 (c): Patient Communications with Clinic
Part 3: Patient attendance issues, especially "no-shows", and the "48-hour Policy"
Part 4: Operational flow, simplified (fees, and payment), Booking Management & Issues, Appointment notifications, Wait-list
Part 5: BC Health Authority Notifications and Instructions - see home page.
Part 6: Notes on Advertising and reviews
Part 7: Restrictions due to Clinic Policy Violations and or Regulatory Infractions (un-resolvable violations)
Part 8: The Governance of the Health Care Profession of Massage Therapy
The big info and read:
Part 1 (a:) the Clinic
The clinic is located in Penticton, BC, upstairs at the corner of Nanaimio Avenue East and Back Street Boulevard. It's hours of operations are weekdays as indicated on Google search profile and subsequent websites - and the clinic's booking application profile, on Schedulicity. However, the booking application will take precedence in availably.
The clinic accepts mail, email, and website email form, and telephone communications via text and voice including voice mail. However, for urgent matters voice communications is superior and most effective. whereas, text, and email forms are not 100% reliable. See next paragraph for further explanation.
The Clinic does not have any additional administrative or office staff. So, often the office phone will go to voicemail. The Clinic will respond to all voicemail within business hours either the day of or the next day. Furthermore, the RMT can not answer the phone during a patient treatment nor can they answer the door. Please do not attend the clinic too early, in excess of 10 minutes prior to your appointment. If you do so, then please wait in the patient lounge quietly till the RMT greats you or at the door knob sign indicates "welcome please knock".
Part 1 (b): Clinic Communications
The Clinic will endeavour to confirm acknowledgement of patient communications and or respond to such, if needed. If the matter is urgent, then the clinic prefers telephone communications. Secondarily forms of communications may include text and email, preferred for non-urgent matters. Remember all effective communication will receive some kind of reply from the clinic in a timely manner during business hours. And non-urgent matters can be communicated via the online form on the Contact & Location page
Clinic/RMT communications with patient will be to booking account information provided and or including patient information form. It is the patient's responsibility to ensure this information is accurate and updated, in order as the clinic may at some future time have a need to contact the patient. Telephone, a cellular number that has text communications is preferred as well as an physical and email addresses.
Booking communications online is automated.
All bookings with receive a booking (appointment) confirmation via email and or telephone text, as per the patient information in your booking account. Post-booking an confirmations occur within a few minutes of booking. If you have not received your confirmation (typically much less than 1-hour), then contact the clinic to confirm booking and account information.
It is the responsibility of the patient to manage appointments. It is advisable to make note of the appointment (date & time) at the time of booking. And note not to reply to either the email or text appointment notifications, since the Clinic will not get them. Furthermore, do not rely solely, on these notifications for your time (appointment) management as they are not infallible. And are only offered as a courtesy on the terms the clinic assume no responsibility for patient tardiness or absentee. It is a term and condition of service, included in the patient intake form.
Although, a 72-hour notifications are sent out, typically to email and or text addresses (as the patient set-up in advance during booking) in advance of the 48-hour cancellation notification requirement. It is suggested not to entirely reply on this form of communications as the clinic has no control over the booking system, nor the multitude internet providers which are not infallible.
Please note that the 'system' notifications come from a "no reply" email address and if you do reply or use that system email for communications. I will not get that message. Instead, you need to use the clinic's preferred methods of communications - telephone for urgent matters and for non-urgent matters, text, email and website email form.
Receipts can be emailed, posted to Canada Post, sent by text, or picked up at the clinic at next appointment or arrangement in advance.
Part 2 (a): Managing your Account information: patient responsibilities *
This entire business is depended upon accurate information and communications. As well as this is a “reserve time” business there is an expectation upon patients to respect and manage this mode of operation, in order to maintain in “good standing” with this business. All reserved-based business requires sufficient notification if a patient will not be attending, in order to offer that "time-sensitive" resource to another patient.
Part 2 (b): Patient Management of Appointments, basic notes
Simply put this clinics expectations are that: (1) patient arrives on time, or (2) patient provides sufficient notification if not attending; and (3) patient assumes all responsibilities for fees and reconciles debt in a reasonable time.
Point 1 - is facilitated by patient noting appointment date, time, and clinic location in advance of appointment.
Point 2 - is done by complying with the 48-hour cancellation policy.
Point 3 - just pay for your services in a reasonable time, less than 24-hours.
However, this clinic has some consideration for: (1) as patient's may have busy lives and (2) unforeseen circumstances challenge patient appointment management, attendance.
1. Mitigating the busy life syndrome can be aided by taking a few moments to prepare and having a system to keep track of your commitments. Ensure you make note of the specific date and time of appointment at time of booking.
See the "All new patients to clinic notice" on the Terms of Service & First Appointment page.
2. Patient appointment management can be done online (or by phone) outside of the 48-hours requirement (the 48-hour cancellation policy) without reason or penalty. Any phone communication, such as voicemail or text; and email communications will always be acknowledged by the clinic. And that is your confirmation that communications were effective.
The clinic will communicate mostly with regular business hours. However, urgent matters recorded as voice mail and other communications are time stamped as to when they were sent.
Those time stamps act as the communication time. Exceptions are for email and text communications due to the network delays independent of either the clinic or the patient. The clinic reiterates that telephone (and voicemail) is preferred in urgent matters. And the clinic does not assume any reasonability for other forms of communications as those forms are not infallible. Thus, I repeat if you use those forms and have not received a reply from the clinic with 1-2 hours during regular clinic hours. Then it is recommended to follow up with a telephone communication.
All reserved-based business require sufficient notification if a patient will not be attending, in order to offer that "time-sensitive" resource to another patient.
Additional comments on point 2 - patient appointment management and 48-hour policy:
This business has a reserved appointment requirement, and there is an expectation that patients will attend their appointments on time. Furthermore, this Clinic has a policy on attendance and includes the 48-hour cancellation policy. This requires the patient to manage appointments and patient must employ "effective" communication and provide a reason for their absence or inability to keep their appointment, in circumstance within the 48-hour period before the appointment.
However, addressing unforeseen events, requires a differentiation of importance; otherwise, is the “event”, an emergency or a matter of importance that is not an emergency, and can be addressed in the near future or by someone else (or personal choice?).
Every situation is evaluated on its own merit and it is the clinic's discretion to determine whether a reason of merit is made and whether to assess a penalty or not
In addition, if the clinic has notified the patient by - text, phone and or email - in the event that a patient is absent from their reserved appointment. Then the requires a response from the patient in a reasonable time frame, perhaps less than 24-hours, in order to comply with Clinic Policy.
3. The Clinic has made it known what methods of payment are accepted. And furthermore, that payments for services rendered are expected to be reconciled in a reasonable of less than 24-hours to keep account in good order.
Part 2 (c) Patient Communications with Clinic*
Methods of communications are in order of reliability - telephone (includes voicemail), email and text. Effective communications* require a dialog between the patient and Clinic, or, at least a confirmation from the clinic acknowledging a receipt of your communication, is the minimum requirement or a response if warranted.
Telephone and voicemail are still the most reliable. Unfortunately, other communication methods are not 100% reliable due to the complexity of the internet or telecommunications networks. So, both emails and text messaging are considered by this clinic as secondary communications. As mentioned previously, all communications with the clinic are consider effective when the patient receives a reply and or confirmation.
There is a website online form, also for non-urgent matters.
Part 3: Patient attendance issues
All businesses that have a reserved appointment format are depended upon patient's attendance.
This Clinic is no different than any other reserved appointment businesses and has policy around cancellation, re-booking, lateness and no-shows. These business rules are anchored around the 48-hour cancellation policy. This is briefly described in Part 2 (b) and is expanded as follows.
(a) Managing your reserved appointment time:
Managing your appointment is attending on time, the day of the appointment, or complying with the 48-hour policy.
* Call me (voice message) or if you are having difficulty attending your appointment.
== Late cancellations of appointments ===
The 48-hour cancellation policy- on late cancels:
If the appointment can be filled by another. Then no charge.
However, if a late cancellation that can not be filled.
Then you may be charged a late-cancel fee.
== Lateness and No Shows: ============
Lateness and No Shows: Telephone communications are required
The RMT can not make up time for your lateness.
If you are just late, call / text so you may still use your unused portion of time.
Ensure that you arrive or contact the RMT within 15-minutes of
the start of your reserved appointment time.
The clinic’s responses to tardiness:
Of course, this is contingent upon you providing proper contact information a text capable cell phone text, voicemail) and keeping that information up to date.
No Show: (definition) If late more than 15 minutes without communications and or without a reason of merit is considered a “no-show” and a no-show fee will be applied.
The Clinic may follow up with an email, if no voicemail is available. If no response from the patient is received within 24-hours. A temporary restriction is place on booking, “for the patient to call the clinic”. These matters have notable negative effects on the Clinic and others patients.
Note: If you get a pop-up message, "John Forsyth RMT requires that you call to schedule".
Then you have an outstanding Patient Account Management issue, requiring your immediate attention!
Your absenteeism requires your communications and a reason for such. At the discretion of the RMT a “no-show” penalty (due to failure to provide contact information, failure to communicate, and or failure to provide reason of merit) may be assessed.
If you miss an appointment, or fail to "communicate effectively":
Then the onus is yours to (a) confirm communications received by clinic and (b) contact asap (24-hours) and provide 'reason' for a missed appointment!
At the discretion of the RMT a penalty may be assessed *:
There are exceptions made for special cases, where the patient contacts the Clinic and provides a "reason of merit" *. However, some specific personal choices can negate reasons of merit.
Typically, the clinic will provide a preliminary inquiry. If no communication response by the patient, requiring information from patient. Then assessment will stand until the patient provides a reason of merit within a reasonable time frame for penalty forgiveness, less than 24-hours.
Reasons of merit differ from personal choices. A limited number of emergency type or special reasons to miss an appointment have merit. These reasons qualify as to be forgiven for missing a reserved appointment without penalty.
However, personal choices differ from reason(s) of merit since, they are in fact a choice, which the resultant violation of patient attendance and the 48-hour notification policy in a manner negatively effecting this businesses appointments availability for other patients use.
Each violation shall be judged on a case-to-case basis to determine if a penalty will be assessed against the account. Penalties can vary depended upon circumstances and could be of monetary value up to the cost of the appointment or a portion of; whether it is a first or second offence. Penalties of non-monetary means are pre-pay appointments (includes loss of online booking) to loss of service (unpaid outstanding balance), temporarily or permanent (due a continual repeated violations negatively affecting (a) the therapeutic relationship, (b) the business.
The Clinic reserves the right to request copies of communications (emails/text/phone) if there was a non-delivery error to Clinic, in issues of appointment and fee management. This request is a fair expectation anytime a patient declares they sent a communication that was not received by the Clinic.
Remember the Clinic will respond to all communications from a Patient. So, the patient that has not received an acknowledgement in any form of communications (email, text or voice). Then they should be prepared to follow-up or cooperate with any request for confirmation of a communication request by the Clinic.
If a request is made of the patient, then a fair expectation for patient to respond that same day or within 24-hours. It is advisable for the patient to keep communications for a least a week, in these cases.
In conclusion:
Appointment management (online and clinic-assisted), proper contact information, communications, attendance, missed appointment or late cancellation fees are sole patient responsibilities under a reserved appointment business and are partially requirements of "Terms and Conditions of Service".Part 2 (c) Patient Communications with Clinic*
Methods of communications are in order of reliability - telephone (includes voicemail), email and text. Effective communications* require a dialog between the patient and Clinic, or, at least a confirmation from the clinic acknowledging a receipt of your communication, is the minimum requirement or a response if warranted.
Telephone and voicemail are still the most reliable. Unfortunately, other communication methods are not 100% reliable due to the complexity of the internet or telecommunications networks. So, both emails and text messaging are considered by this clinic as secondary communications. As mentioned previously, all communications with the clinic are consider effective when the patient receives a reply and or confirmation.
There is a website online form, also for non-urgent matters.
Part 4: Operational flow, simplified (fees, and payment), booking management (how to) & other issues, appointment notifications, wait-list, et cetera.
(a) Clinic Operations ~ operational flow (simplified):
Appointments (operations flow), fees, payment methods and managing appointments:
~ Registered massage therapy operates as a private business within the Health Care Act. ~
First appointments should be prepared to make payment day of appointment*.
== Clinical Practice ==================
Patient Booking Management =======
Booking your reserved appointment time successfully: options...
1. Online Booking is a multi-step process: (after login with your account)
Then you will get a pop-up message, "Your booking with John Forsyth RMT is confirmed" *
* If you do not get this pop-up message. Then there was a problem with booking!
* Call if you need assistance with booking. Clinic phone - # see above.
Please note, if you have booked more than one appointment in a week.
I will contact you regarding your intentions to use the two appointments.
Note: If you get a pop-up message, "John Forsyth RMT requires that you call to schedule".
Then you have an outstanding Patient Account Management issue, requiring your immediate attention!
(i.e. A policy violation and or
your online booking privileges are suspended until you reconcile your account.
(see service restrictions - below)
== Patient Booking: Clinic Assisted options
2. Other Booking methods:
Each of the other three (3) methods of booking will also send an email and/or text confirmation message:
Unfortunately, email and or text messaging are not infallible**.
If you are offered a time & date, the offer is only valid within expiry time.
Once an appointment is accepted, you will receive a “you are booked on day and at time".
Of course, if you do not respond to the offer by the expiry time. Then you are not booked.
Note: Please report if you do not receive your confirmation email shortly after booking,
or the booking information is incorrect. It could mean you are not booked properly(?)!
== Booking Appointment & Notifications ======
Remember you were asked to make note of date & time of appointment upon booking.
Typical within a short time after booking: your should receive a booking confirmation by either email or text.
Then you have booked successfully. The message contains important information for managing your appointment.
Again, these text / email systems are not infallible and this is only a courtesy ** as long as you provided a text capable cell phone number and email address.
An appointment reminder message at 72-hours prior to the appointment date. *
This gives you adequate time well in advance of your appointment in case you need to cancel outside of the 48-hour cancel policy!
In addition: the booking system also has Patients CONFIRM feature their appointment via text communications.
** The clinic does not assume any patient responsibility for punctuality or absence!
== Patient Booking Management: wait-list
Note - a wait-list has been created on the booking application.
Remember only appointment available: weekdays between 11 AM and close.
For people who request this service will be contacted and asked to provide their availability and notification requirements.
You may provide such information by using the email form on my Contact & Location page, or I may email and or phone you.
== Appointment & fee management =====
Managing your reserved appointment time: see part 3, above.
== Monetary Penalties: ========================
== Management of Fees : ==============
Managing payment of fees:
Part 5: BC Health Authority Notifications and Instructions - see the Home page
Provincial Health Mandates - as per the Home page
Part 6: Notes on Advertising and reviews
== On Advertising and Google Reviews
Only Google and Yellow pages have my consent to use my information.
Smart Ads is now doing my advertising - Google Search, Bing Search, FaceBook, and Yellow pages....
When you Google search "RMT Penticton", the are a list of results, down a wee bit on the list. Whereas "ads" are near top or in a feed and labelled as so (AD or Sponsored). Anything else is a the results of Google search...
My Google review policy:
Once a review is posted, I get a notification from Google and I reply in kind. As I really do appreciate your positive words and I wish to thank you as soon as possible.
== Service Restrictions ===============
Part 7: Business restrictions due to Clinic Policy Violations and or Regulatory Infractions (unresolvable violations)
A Refusal of Service policy (temporary and permanent):
Part 8: The Governance of the Health Care Profession of Massage Therapy
– see Profession and Legalities page
John Forsyth RMT © from 2022. All rights reserved.
John Forsyth RMT © from 2022. All rights reserved.
This page is where all the expansive information regarding policies and procedures at this Clinic:
This elaboration ensures transparency and informs all patients regarding this Clinic's Operations and Policy as respect to business and patient relationships.
It ensures all patients are treated as equally as possible within specific situation(s).
page index -
Part 1: the Clinic and Clinic Communication
Part 2 (a): Patient Account Information Management
Part 2 (b): Patient Management of Appointments, basic notes
Part 2 (c): Patient Communications with Clinic
Part 3: Patient attendance issues, especially "no-shows", and the "48-hour Policy"
Part 4: Operational flow, simplified (fees, and payment), Booking Management & Issues, Appointment notifications, Wait-list
Part 5: BC Health Authority Notifications and Instructions - see home page.
Part 6: Notes on Advertising and reviews
Part 7: Restrictions due to Clinic Policy Violations and or Regulatory Infractions (un-resolvable violations)
Part 8: The Governance of the Health Care Profession of Massage Therapy
The big info and read:
Part 1 (a:) the Clinic
The clinic is located in Penticton, BC, upstairs at the corner of Nanaimio Avenue East and Back Street Boulevard. It's hours of operations are weekdays as indicated on Google search profile and subsequent websites - and the clinic's booking application profile, on Schedulicity. However, the booking application will take precedence in availably.
The clinic accepts mail, email, and website email form, and telephone communications via text and voice including voice mail. However, for urgent matters voice communications is superior and most effective. whereas, text, and email forms are not 100% reliable. See next paragraph for further explanation.
The Clinic does not have any additional administrative or office staff. So, often the office phone will go to voicemail. The Clinic will respond to all voicemail within business hours either the day of or the next day. Furthermore, the RMT can not answer the phone during a patient treatment nor can they answer the door. Please do not attend the clinic too early, in excess of 10 minutes prior to your appointment. If you do so, then please wait in the patient lounge quietly till the RMT greats you or at the door knob sign indicates "welcome please knock".
Part 1 (b): Clinic Communications
The Clinic will endeavour to confirm acknowledgement of patient communications and or respond to such, if needed. If the matter is urgent, then the clinic prefers telephone communications. Secondarily forms of communications may include text and email, preferred for non-urgent matters. Remember all effective communication will receive some kind of reply from the clinic in a timely manner during business hours. And non-urgent matters can be communicated via the online form on the Contact & Location page
Clinic/RMT communications with patient will be to booking account information provided and or including patient information form. It is the patient's responsibility to ensure this information is accurate and updated, in order as the clinic may at some future time have a need to contact the patient. Telephone, a cellular number that has text communications is preferred as well as an physical and email addresses.
Booking communications online is automated.
All bookings with receive a booking (appointment) confirmation via email and or telephone text, as per the patient information in your booking account. Post-booking an confirmations occur within a few minutes of booking. If you have not received your confirmation (typically much less than 1-hour), then contact the clinic to confirm booking and account information.
It is the responsibility of the patient to manage appointments. It is advisable to make note of the appointment (date & time) at the time of booking. And note not to reply to either the email or text appointment notifications, since the Clinic will not get them. Furthermore, do not rely solely, on these notifications for your time (appointment) management as they are not infallible. And are only offered as a courtesy on the terms the clinic assume no responsibility for patient tardiness or absentee. It is a term and condition of service, included in the patient intake form.
Although, a 72-hour notifications are sent out, typically to email and or text addresses (as the patient set-up in advance during booking) in advance of the 48-hour cancellation notification requirement. It is suggested not to entirely reply on this form of communications as the clinic has no control over the booking system, nor the multitude internet providers which are not infallible.
Please note that the 'system' notifications come from a "no reply" email address and if you do reply or use that system email for communications. I will not get that message. Instead, you need to use the clinic's preferred methods of communications - telephone for urgent matters and for non-urgent matters, text, email and website email form.
Receipts can be emailed, posted to Canada Post, sent by text, or picked up at the clinic at next appointment or arrangement in advance.
Part 2 (a): Managing your Account information: patient responsibilities *
- It is your responsibility to inform (effectively communicate with) the clinic and update any/all account information.
- It is your responsibility to respond in a timely manner to any request by clinic, as list here "patient responsibilities":
- Your contact information - provide contact information - address, phone and email.
- Booking account should have your proper contact information.
- Medical information: changes and updates.
- Insurance information: changes and updates.
This entire business is depended upon accurate information and communications. As well as this is a “reserve time” business there is an expectation upon patients to respect and manage this mode of operation, in order to maintain in “good standing” with this business. All reserved-based business requires sufficient notification if a patient will not be attending, in order to offer that "time-sensitive" resource to another patient.
Part 2 (b): Patient Management of Appointments, basic notes
Simply put this clinics expectations are that: (1) patient arrives on time, or (2) patient provides sufficient notification if not attending; and (3) patient assumes all responsibilities for fees and reconciles debt in a reasonable time.
Point 1 - is facilitated by patient noting appointment date, time, and clinic location in advance of appointment.
Point 2 - is done by complying with the 48-hour cancellation policy.
Point 3 - just pay for your services in a reasonable time, less than 24-hours.
However, this clinic has some consideration for: (1) as patient's may have busy lives and (2) unforeseen circumstances challenge patient appointment management, attendance.
1. Mitigating the busy life syndrome can be aided by taking a few moments to prepare and having a system to keep track of your commitments. Ensure you make note of the specific date and time of appointment at time of booking.
See the "All new patients to clinic notice" on the Terms of Service & First Appointment page.
2. Patient appointment management can be done online (or by phone) outside of the 48-hours requirement (the 48-hour cancellation policy) without reason or penalty. Any phone communication, such as voicemail or text; and email communications will always be acknowledged by the clinic. And that is your confirmation that communications were effective.
The clinic will communicate mostly with regular business hours. However, urgent matters recorded as voice mail and other communications are time stamped as to when they were sent.
Those time stamps act as the communication time. Exceptions are for email and text communications due to the network delays independent of either the clinic or the patient. The clinic reiterates that telephone (and voicemail) is preferred in urgent matters. And the clinic does not assume any reasonability for other forms of communications as those forms are not infallible. Thus, I repeat if you use those forms and have not received a reply from the clinic with 1-2 hours during regular clinic hours. Then it is recommended to follow up with a telephone communication.
All reserved-based business require sufficient notification if a patient will not be attending, in order to offer that "time-sensitive" resource to another patient.
Additional comments on point 2 - patient appointment management and 48-hour policy:
This business has a reserved appointment requirement, and there is an expectation that patients will attend their appointments on time. Furthermore, this Clinic has a policy on attendance and includes the 48-hour cancellation policy. This requires the patient to manage appointments and patient must employ "effective" communication and provide a reason for their absence or inability to keep their appointment, in circumstance within the 48-hour period before the appointment.
However, addressing unforeseen events, requires a differentiation of importance; otherwise, is the “event”, an emergency or a matter of importance that is not an emergency, and can be addressed in the near future or by someone else (or personal choice?).
Every situation is evaluated on its own merit and it is the clinic's discretion to determine whether a reason of merit is made and whether to assess a penalty or not
In addition, if the clinic has notified the patient by - text, phone and or email - in the event that a patient is absent from their reserved appointment. Then the requires a response from the patient in a reasonable time frame, perhaps less than 24-hours, in order to comply with Clinic Policy.
3. The Clinic has made it known what methods of payment are accepted. And furthermore, that payments for services rendered are expected to be reconciled in a reasonable of less than 24-hours to keep account in good order.
Part 2 (c) Patient Communications with Clinic*
Methods of communications are in order of reliability - telephone (includes voicemail), email and text. Effective communications* require a dialog between the patient and Clinic, or, at least a confirmation from the clinic acknowledging a receipt of your communication, is the minimum requirement or a response if warranted.
Telephone and voicemail are still the most reliable. Unfortunately, other communication methods are not 100% reliable due to the complexity of the internet or telecommunications networks. So, both emails and text messaging are considered by this clinic as secondary communications. As mentioned previously, all communications with the clinic are consider effective when the patient receives a reply and or confirmation.
There is a website online form, also for non-urgent matters.
Part 3: Patient attendance issues
All businesses that have a reserved appointment format are depended upon patient's attendance.
This Clinic is no different than any other reserved appointment businesses and has policy around cancellation, re-booking, lateness and no-shows. These business rules are anchored around the 48-hour cancellation policy. This is briefly described in Part 2 (b) and is expanded as follows.
(a) Managing your reserved appointment time:
Managing your appointment is attending on time, the day of the appointment, or complying with the 48-hour policy.
- Greater than 48-hours prior to the appointment: you can change or cancel appointments Online. Without any conditions.
- Please do not reply to email (or text) reminders notifications or use email’ as this are sent automatically from the booking system (a no reply address); and the clinic will not receive your reply. Simply, contact or call the clinic!
- It is the Clinic's policy, "the "onus" is the patient's to effectively communicate as soon as possible in matters of absenteeism.
- Less than 48-hours, then voice (phone) communications are preferred.
- However, if you have chosen to text or email and have not received a response from clinic with 1-2 hours (on a business day). Then leave a voice message.
* Call me (voice message) or if you are having difficulty attending your appointment.
== Late cancellations of appointments ===
The 48-hour cancellation policy- on late cancels:
If the appointment can be filled by another. Then no charge.
However, if a late cancellation that can not be filled.
Then you may be charged a late-cancel fee.
- There are exceptions made for special cases, aka reasons of merit, but that requires your communication *.
- Note: You are responsible for all fees and insurance only pays for appointments you attend.
- * Note - at the discretion of the RMT a penalty may be assessed.
== Lateness and No Shows: ============
Lateness and No Shows: Telephone communications are required
The RMT can not make up time for your lateness.
If you are just late, call / text so you may still use your unused portion of time.
Ensure that you arrive or contact the RMT within 15-minutes of
the start of your reserved appointment time.
The clinic’s responses to tardiness:
- At five (5) minutes late, the Clinic will text you!
- Then the Clinic will call you; and leave a voice message (if available)
Of course, this is contingent upon you providing proper contact information a text capable cell phone text, voicemail) and keeping that information up to date.
No Show: (definition) If late more than 15 minutes without communications and or without a reason of merit is considered a “no-show” and a no-show fee will be applied.
The Clinic may follow up with an email, if no voicemail is available. If no response from the patient is received within 24-hours. A temporary restriction is place on booking, “for the patient to call the clinic”. These matters have notable negative effects on the Clinic and others patients.
Note: If you get a pop-up message, "John Forsyth RMT requires that you call to schedule".
Then you have an outstanding Patient Account Management issue, requiring your immediate attention!
Your absenteeism requires your communications and a reason for such. At the discretion of the RMT a “no-show” penalty (due to failure to provide contact information, failure to communicate, and or failure to provide reason of merit) may be assessed.
If you miss an appointment, or fail to "communicate effectively":
Then the onus is yours to (a) confirm communications received by clinic and (b) contact asap (24-hours) and provide 'reason' for a missed appointment!
At the discretion of the RMT a penalty may be assessed *:
There are exceptions made for special cases, where the patient contacts the Clinic and provides a "reason of merit" *. However, some specific personal choices can negate reasons of merit.
Typically, the clinic will provide a preliminary inquiry. If no communication response by the patient, requiring information from patient. Then assessment will stand until the patient provides a reason of merit within a reasonable time frame for penalty forgiveness, less than 24-hours.
Reasons of merit differ from personal choices. A limited number of emergency type or special reasons to miss an appointment have merit. These reasons qualify as to be forgiven for missing a reserved appointment without penalty.
However, personal choices differ from reason(s) of merit since, they are in fact a choice, which the resultant violation of patient attendance and the 48-hour notification policy in a manner negatively effecting this businesses appointments availability for other patients use.
Each violation shall be judged on a case-to-case basis to determine if a penalty will be assessed against the account. Penalties can vary depended upon circumstances and could be of monetary value up to the cost of the appointment or a portion of; whether it is a first or second offence. Penalties of non-monetary means are pre-pay appointments (includes loss of online booking) to loss of service (unpaid outstanding balance), temporarily or permanent (due a continual repeated violations negatively affecting (a) the therapeutic relationship, (b) the business.
The Clinic reserves the right to request copies of communications (emails/text/phone) if there was a non-delivery error to Clinic, in issues of appointment and fee management. This request is a fair expectation anytime a patient declares they sent a communication that was not received by the Clinic.
Remember the Clinic will respond to all communications from a Patient. So, the patient that has not received an acknowledgement in any form of communications (email, text or voice). Then they should be prepared to follow-up or cooperate with any request for confirmation of a communication request by the Clinic.
If a request is made of the patient, then a fair expectation for patient to respond that same day or within 24-hours. It is advisable for the patient to keep communications for a least a week, in these cases.
In conclusion:
Appointment management (online and clinic-assisted), proper contact information, communications, attendance, missed appointment or late cancellation fees are sole patient responsibilities under a reserved appointment business and are partially requirements of "Terms and Conditions of Service".Part 2 (c) Patient Communications with Clinic*
Methods of communications are in order of reliability - telephone (includes voicemail), email and text. Effective communications* require a dialog between the patient and Clinic, or, at least a confirmation from the clinic acknowledging a receipt of your communication, is the minimum requirement or a response if warranted.
Telephone and voicemail are still the most reliable. Unfortunately, other communication methods are not 100% reliable due to the complexity of the internet or telecommunications networks. So, both emails and text messaging are considered by this clinic as secondary communications. As mentioned previously, all communications with the clinic are consider effective when the patient receives a reply and or confirmation.
There is a website online form, also for non-urgent matters.
Part 4: Operational flow, simplified (fees, and payment), booking management (how to) & other issues, appointment notifications, wait-list, et cetera.
(a) Clinic Operations ~ operational flow (simplified):
Appointments (operations flow), fees, payment methods and managing appointments:
~ Registered massage therapy operates as a private business within the Health Care Act. ~
- Call if you are having difficulties attending or managing your appointment(s).
- Two appointments in a week are not allowed. Unless it was determined by your RMT, or in case the second appointment booking is for someone else and you have forgotten to add message.
Then you'll be contacted by the clinic to confirm. If you do not respond by a given time. Then appointments are in jeopardy of being cancelled.
- A Booking Management - a wait-list via the online form:
- Persons under the age of 18, must be accompanied by a parent of legal guardian on the first appointment. Persons under the age of 16 years be required to have their parent or guardian present in the treatment room.
- All appointments include: administration, assessment, evaluation, treatment, and education and or home-care.
First appointments should be prepared to make payment day of appointment*.
- I currently accept cash, cheque or e-Transfer only.
- Insurance At the discretion of the RMT: Unless you send insurance (via text or email) details (inc consent) well in advance, and qualify.
- A balance is all fees not covered by insurance - deductibles, incomplete coverage, non- insured items non-attendance or penalties
- If a balance is due, you will get a notification(s) by email/text/phone (an informal invoice, as the clinic does not issue formal invoices).
- All Balances must be paid the day of or within 24-hours (Only zero balance accounts maintain booking privileges)
- Receipts only issued if (a) there is a patient portion paid & (b) by requested. Receipts may include a notation. And are typically, the following business day.
== Clinical Practice ==================
Patient Booking Management =======
Booking your reserved appointment time successfully: options...
1. Online Booking is a multi-step process: (after login with your account)
- At the John Forsyth RMT services page
- click Add to visit button, a pop-up window
- click on Select button (John Forsyth RMT)
- click on Choose Date and Time button
- from calendar choose a day
- choose a time
- Click Book My Visit button,
Then you will get a pop-up message, "Your booking with John Forsyth RMT is confirmed" *
* If you do not get this pop-up message. Then there was a problem with booking!
* Call if you need assistance with booking. Clinic phone - # see above.
Please note, if you have booked more than one appointment in a week.
I will contact you regarding your intentions to use the two appointments.
Note: If you get a pop-up message, "John Forsyth RMT requires that you call to schedule".
Then you have an outstanding Patient Account Management issue, requiring your immediate attention!
(i.e. A policy violation and or
your online booking privileges are suspended until you reconcile your account.
(see service restrictions - below)
== Patient Booking: Clinic Assisted options
2. Other Booking methods:
Each of the other three (3) methods of booking will also send an email and/or text confirmation message:
Unfortunately, email and or text messaging are not infallible**.
- If booked by text you will get a text from the RMT, " you are booked. [appointment date & time]".
- And if booked by phone (or in person), the RMT will repeat back to you the appointment,
- Lastly, booking my email form (from contact page),
If you are offered a time & date, the offer is only valid within expiry time.
Once an appointment is accepted, you will receive a “you are booked on day and at time".
Of course, if you do not respond to the offer by the expiry time. Then you are not booked.
Note: Please report if you do not receive your confirmation email shortly after booking,
or the booking information is incorrect. It could mean you are not booked properly(?)!
== Booking Appointment & Notifications ======
Remember you were asked to make note of date & time of appointment upon booking.
Typical within a short time after booking: your should receive a booking confirmation by either email or text.
Then you have booked successfully. The message contains important information for managing your appointment.
Again, these text / email systems are not infallible and this is only a courtesy ** as long as you provided a text capable cell phone number and email address.
An appointment reminder message at 72-hours prior to the appointment date. *
This gives you adequate time well in advance of your appointment in case you need to cancel outside of the 48-hour cancel policy!
In addition: the booking system also has Patients CONFIRM feature their appointment via text communications.
** The clinic does not assume any patient responsibility for punctuality or absence!
== Patient Booking Management: wait-list
Note - a wait-list has been created on the booking application.
Remember only appointment available: weekdays between 11 AM and close.
For people who request this service will be contacted and asked to provide their availability and notification requirements.
You may provide such information by using the email form on my Contact & Location page, or I may email and or phone you.
== Appointment & fee management =====
Managing your reserved appointment time: see part 3, above.
== Monetary Penalties: ========================
- No show fees
- Insufficient funds - bounced cheques
- e-transfer retractions
- Payment over due issue (below)
== Management of Fees : ==============
Managing payment of fees:
- I currently only accept cash, cheque or e-Transfer only.
- Note: insurance only pays for appointments you attend!
- All fees should be paid upon service rendered or
- * Outstanding balances (after two or more communications from the clinic) may result in service/account restrictions, temporary or permanent loss of online booking privileges, and loss of service; including balances left unpaid for more than two business days or repeated episodes of.
- prepay options for delinquent accounts
- over due accounts may be subject to interest, penalties, collection, and restrictions *.
Part 5: BC Health Authority Notifications and Instructions - see the Home page
Provincial Health Mandates - as per the Home page
Part 6: Notes on Advertising and reviews
== On Advertising and Google Reviews
Only Google and Yellow pages have my consent to use my information.
Smart Ads is now doing my advertising - Google Search, Bing Search, FaceBook, and Yellow pages....
When you Google search "RMT Penticton", the are a list of results, down a wee bit on the list. Whereas "ads" are near top or in a feed and labelled as so (AD or Sponsored). Anything else is a the results of Google search...
My Google review policy:
Once a review is posted, I get a notification from Google and I reply in kind. As I really do appreciate your positive words and I wish to thank you as soon as possible.
== Service Restrictions ===============
Part 7: Business restrictions due to Clinic Policy Violations and or Regulatory Infractions (unresolvable violations)
A Refusal of Service policy (temporary and permanent):
- certain medical conditions (including medications) that contra-indicate treatment (+).
- Patient discharge treatment condition resolved and or referral to another modality, therapist, or a medical doctor or ER (+) that is in the patient's best interest.
- disregarding the Terms & Conditions of Service, "policy violations" *, noting the following:
- multiple attendance /communications and payment reconciliation issues effecting business *,
- * Outstanding balances (after two or more communications from the clinic) may result in service/account restrictions, temporary or permanent loss of online booking privileges, and loss of service; including balances left unpaid for more than two business days or repeated episodes of.
- non-cooperation during any investigation - insurance or otherwise
- dis-respectfulness or inappropriateness including any patient conduct that violates the Governance Regulations.
- Un-resolvable violations of Clinic Policy or any Health Care regulations, bylaws or other governance **
- Failure to maintain the patient-therapist relationship **
- ** Permanent loss of service for serious violations of any Governance Regulations.
Part 8: The Governance of the Health Care Profession of Massage Therapy
– see Profession and Legalities page
John Forsyth RMT © from 2022. All rights reserved.
John Forsyth RMT © from 2022. All rights reserved.