== Clinic Information Guide ==
This page contains a statement of Terms and Conditions of Service & First Appointment statements.
And required information to read before using the booking portal at bottom of page.
== Terms and Conditions of Service ===
This Clinic's Standardized Policies – terms and conditions of service:
*All appointments and fees are solely patient’s responsibility, as a condition of service.
Clinic Policy - Terms and Conditions, and how they are put into clinical practice:
There is a fair expectation of this business, that patients (including first appointment patrons) that they will respect reserved appointments, as they are limited and valuable, and clinic policy reflects this particular market.
"Patient's should arrive on time for reserved appointments or provide adequate notification (onus on patient to communicate effectively* such with no less than 48-hours **) if unable to attend in order to avoid penalties for missed appointments, be respectful, and pay for fee's in a timely manner".
* Note: Ensure communications are acknowledged by clinic:
The 48-hour notification policy:
1. Outside of 48-hours - requires either online cancellation or a voice mail.
2. Within 48-hours: - (48-hour cancellation policy*).
Telephone communications preferred, supplying a 'reason' for late cancellation *.
However, if you choose to text (within business hours) and do not get an acknowledgement back from the clinic within 1-2 hours.
Then you must leave a voice mail (48-hour cancellation policy)!
In the rare event the voicemail is at capacity; then an email will suffice.
The Clinic will respond to your communication.
* at the Clinic's discretion, whether to apply a penalty for a violation - late cancellation and no-shows.
It is the patient’s responsibility to manage their account information which includes keeping it up to date with the clinic
the onus is on patient’s effective (phone) communications* with the clinic in managing appointments within the 48-hour (policy), understanding their insurance coverage, and ensuring that all fees are paid in a timely manner to keep their account in good standing.
== Clinic Information Guide ==
This page contains a statement of Terms and Conditions of Service & First Appointment statements.
And required information to read before using the booking portal at bottom of page.
== Terms and Conditions of Service ===
This Clinic's Standardized Policies – terms and conditions of service:
*All appointments and fees are solely patient’s responsibility, as a condition of service.
Clinic Policy - Terms and Conditions, and how they are put into clinical practice:
- patient's responsibility to understand clinic policy.
There is a fair expectation of this business, that patients (including first appointment patrons) that they will respect reserved appointments, as they are limited and valuable, and clinic policy reflects this particular market.
- patient's responsibility to manage appointments *: be prepared to arrive on time.
- Upon booking your appointment, make note of date & time!
"Patient's should arrive on time for reserved appointments or provide adequate notification (onus on patient to communicate effectively* such with no less than 48-hours **) if unable to attend in order to avoid penalties for missed appointments, be respectful, and pay for fee's in a timely manner".
- * 48-hour notification policy:
- patient's responsibility to ensure communications are effective:
- New patients, please read the First Appointments advice below!
* Note: Ensure communications are acknowledged by clinic:
The 48-hour notification policy:
1. Outside of 48-hours - requires either online cancellation or a voice mail.
2. Within 48-hours: - (48-hour cancellation policy*).
Telephone communications preferred, supplying a 'reason' for late cancellation *.
However, if you choose to text (within business hours) and do not get an acknowledgement back from the clinic within 1-2 hours.
Then you must leave a voice mail (48-hour cancellation policy)!
In the rare event the voicemail is at capacity; then an email will suffice.
The Clinic will respond to your communication.
* at the Clinic's discretion, whether to apply a penalty for a violation - late cancellation and no-shows.
It is the patient’s responsibility to manage their account information which includes keeping it up to date with the clinic
- patient's responsibility to provide correct (up to date) contact information: address, cell phone and email.
the onus is on patient’s effective (phone) communications* with the clinic in managing appointments within the 48-hour (policy), understanding their insurance coverage, and ensuring that all fees are paid in a timely manner to keep their account in good standing.
== Notification: All "new" patients ======
All new patients to clinic notice
Remember upon booking your appointment, make note of date & time!
Be prepared before your appointment:
All new patients to clinic notice
Remember upon booking your appointment, make note of date & time!
Be prepared before your appointment:
- Check location (office location map button) and entrance (building entrance button); and allow adequate time to arrive safely. Parking see Contact & Location page
- Methods of payment - cash, cheque or etransfer. Accounts are required to reconcile balances within 24-hours.
- Read The Massage Therapy Information file - explains medical concepts and treatment disclosures for First Appointments is available on the Forms and MT information page.
- Read First Appointments sequence below, before arriving to your appointment.
== First Appointments sequence =====
1) First appointments: Patient-pay at time of appointment.
This includes all ICBC appointments.
Cash, cheque or etransfer accepted.
Currently, no debit or credit card services.
All balances must be reconciled within 24-hours.
If required, a receipt will be issued, once a full payment is made.
Typical the following business day.
2) Insurance qualification and Forms: bring card(s) & forms.
Bring your insurance benefit card(s), provide information and sign consent form(s).
Declare primary and secondary polices, claim order, at first appointment.
If provided in advanced, via text or email, and if conditions are meet (see Insurance page), at discretion of RMT you may qualify that day.
Patient Intake and Insurance forms on the forms page, for first appointment.
Bring your insurance benefit card(s), provide information and sign consent form(s).
Declare primary and secondary polices, claim order, at first appointment.
If provided in advanced, via text or email, and if conditions are meet (see Insurance page), at discretion of RMT you may qualify that day.
Patient Intake and Insurance forms on the forms page, for first appointment.
3) The building hours: security door and intake forms
At 69 Nanaimo Avenue East, unit 207 (up-stairs).
Check Contact & Location page for building entrance and map for location!
At 69 Nanaimo Avenue East, unit 207 (up-stairs).
Check Contact & Location page for building entrance and map for location!
- Please arrive only 5-10 minutes before your appointment, to complete intake forms, or
- "GET PATIENT INTAKE FORMS", below download Patient Intake and Insurance, for first appointment.
- If the outside door is locked, ring the doorbell, just to the right edge of sign, and left of door.
- Proceed quietly to upstairs shared voice-hushed area common waiting room, and have a seat, please.
- Observe, door signs: "welcome please knock" or "please do not disturb" displayed.
- If earlier than 10 minutes before. Then observe the "please do not disturb" sign should be displayed as a treatment is in session.
- I can not answer phone or door when I am with a patient.
- I will open the door and great you as soon as I can.
- If you are new patient, some intake forms are required to be signed in front of RMT.
- And sign an insurance consent form in front of RMT (if applicable).
- It is required that you consult with the RMT as to your treatment goals.
4) Please do a "pre-appointment check" before attending the Clinic: see page or button
== All Booking links are conditional ========
* By booking a reserved appointment time, you have accepted all the Terms & Conditions of Service at this Clinic.
* By booking a reserved appointment time, you have accepted all the Terms & Conditions of Service at this Clinic.
John Forsyth RMT © from 2022. All rights reserved.
John Forsyth RMT © from 2022. All rights reserved.