FOR BOOKING see BOOK NOW button below It is strongly recommended that new patients spend a few minutes in advance of booking to understand the clinic policy, services, location and insurance information listed on this website. See Clinic Information Guide page == General Business ================= General Business ~ also, see home page. Office hours 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM weekdays, except holidays. Appointments reservations: Weekday appointments from clinic opening to close. 1. Online Booking 24-hours: 2. Booking by phone, including voicemail: == A "wait-list" inquiry: ====== Or information, you can also use the email form on this page; and you likely will be contacted for further information to accommodate your request. == All Booking links are conditional ======== It's your first time at this clinic? It is strongly recommended that new patients spend a few minutes in advance of booking to understand the clinic policy, services, location and insurance information listed on this website. See Clinic Information Guide page * By booking a reserved appointment time, you have accepted all the Terms & Conditions of Service at this Clinic . |
For massage therapy, appointment & wait-list inquiries only, use this email form
== Location & Map ===================
location (parking & at the map below!) and accessibility: no elevator, just stairs.
At the corner of Nanaimo Ave East and Backstreet Boulevard, above the 'pawn shop'.
Across from the Royal Bank parking lot (Il Vecchio Deli), entrance "silver door" between Brit Bar and Pawn Traders.
ENTRANCE: see top image "ENTRANCE" & the "down arrow 69" (see pic above)
The recessed (silver framed) glass door labelled "69 Offices Upstairs", and to the right of the Brit Bar. Ring the door bell, if door locked.
Top of stairs, immediately sharp right, unit 207. Observe door knob sign, indicates whether to knock on door (no more than 10 minutes before the appointment start time, please).
Note this an older building with 14 offices upstairs. There is some sound transmission from clientele that can not entirely be prevented during busy times. In addition, for security has access-controlled (locking) front door and closed-circuit cameras.
== Parking =======================
parking information: street & pay (coin or app)
Parking meters are located throughout downtown, with parking available at a rate of $2 per hour.
Paid parking is in effect Monday to Saturday (exept statutory holidays) between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
On street, Backstreet Blvd, Robinson St, and Nanaimo Ave.
Free parking after 4:00 PM, the gravel lot, the "Nanaimo Parking Lot",
entrance on Backstreet Boulevard.
John Forsyth RMT © from 2022. All rights reserved.
Map of location: (the red balloon pointer below) - corner of Nanaimo Avenue East & Backstreet Boulevard. Entrance between Brit Bar & Pawn Traders.